History of Scarlet Macaw Bed & Breakfast

It all began in 2003 when Florentino Sub, organized a group and name themselves the Scarlet Macaw Group. The group started off by offering services such as birding, trail hiking and basic lodging. However, offering these services was tough for the group members since most were farmers and offering their time as volunteers for the most part meant a huge sacrifice for themselves and their families. Funding was limited, tourist arrivals to the village was not sufficient to keep the business going. There were also two occasion when the two hillsides where the birds congregate were set on fire, destroying the trees on which the Scarlet Macaw ( the main attraction) feeds on. Soon thereafter, most of the group members became discouraged and began to leave the group. However, Florentino, remained a strong leader and was not ready to give up.

In 2009, Florentino revived the Scarlet Macaw Group and recruited 18 members, 10 men and 8 women (a few were former members). With new faces and renewed hope the group and subsequent business was renamed Scarlet Macaw Bed and Breakfast. In November 2010, the group finally received funding from the European Union with the aid of Belize Audubon Society. They used the funds to construct a rustic building which consists of four rooms and two bathrooms with an almost fully equipped kitchen. From there on the group has slowly progressed and remain hopeful for future developments.